The making of the AGC advertising materials

Overview   Process  

The client wants us to focus on the qualities of the glass: it is produced in accordance with manufacturers’ guidelines and is identical to the original car glass; it is durable, transparent, scratch-resistant and, therefore, perfectly safe.

Thinking. It’s not the glass that matters, but what’s inside—the driver and passengers. Their safety is the top priority. OK, so let’s put everything fragile, tender and valuable under car glass: a collection of butterflies, family photos, paintings, china and so on. The slogan reads «The best in safety», meaning that this is the best glass, and the best things are safe behind it.

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Art director: It would be great to make one or two more. The slogan needs editing as it’s not so clear now. And I would move the focus to the glass ("Solid protection," to put it roughly).

Making more detailed sketches. Tweaking the slogan to make its meaning clearer. Coming up with a new idea—a kiss on the glass for the road.

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We also keep thinking about a knight with a windshield instead of an actual shield. (Brackets used in windshield transportation and installation look similar to the ones on a shield.) On posters, the knight would face various challenges: storm and blizzard, hail, stones, blinding sun.

Art director: The idea with the kiss is simple and works on the emotional level, although it’s not about durability. The one with the knight can be used, but it’s too complex and basically reiterates the one with objects under glass. And, by the way, I would put some jewelry there—it’s often kept under bullet-proof glass. I’m also thinking about a hockey helmet visor, let’s also sketch that. And we seem to lack diversity in approaches: text and letter play, visual (not conceptual) similarities between objects, unconventional use of media, etc.

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OK. More. Gravel, snowballs, ice and other things glass suffers from.

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Art director : Thank you, but we’ve recently had a project with elephants and Atlases, and I don’t want us to repeat ourselves.

Bringing in a second designer.

Thinking. Deciding to approach the concept of durability from a different angle—not stones breaking windows, but windows breaking stones. Presenting the idea to the client.

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The client says that stones do break windows and this is a misleading message. We continue thinking.

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The art director comes up with several ideas.

Even skates don’t scratch glass; it is as strong and reliable as our athletes. Showing might and durability on ice.

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The products also look good. Trying not to forget about the beauty and combine it with sport.

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The windshield is so safe it would never break into pieces that could cut the driver or passengers. And if it breaks, it would crack into small pieces that would stay in place making the glass look like a spider web.

A web! A good metaphor for durability and things that serve you for years.

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Putting all the ideas together and presenting them to the client.

The first designer delivers some new variants. Thinking about the winning glass. It fights balls, rocks and elements and comes out victorious. Or deals with small damages represented by hockey players, mountain climbers and medieval guys with slings and catapults. If we depict the glass from the inside, it will illustrate the slogan "The winner is in front of you."

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The client gets back to the idea with a figure skater. Taking pictures of one.

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Making a 3D model of the glass.

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Thinking of a slogan. At the art director’s request, putting together several on-the-nose variants in the spirit of the Olympic motto: "Firmer, safer, clearer," "Steadier, harder, better," "Harder, safer, stronger" (underline as applicable).

Bringing in a type designer. Putting all the elements together.

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Choosing the type, trying it on. Adding the elements of the AGC corporate identity.

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Changing the glass, choosing the corporate typeface and putting the finishing touches on the figure skater by adding and removing some details. The client also asks for an option to add texts.

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Vector drawing the figure skater for further advertising implementations.

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Art director: It would look better if the decoration on the dress was white and connected to the lighter parts on the body. And avoid thin lines—it’s not a draft.

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Art director: Fine lines on the legs and skates are too thin. Here is the sketch of the head as an example.

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Making another version for dark backgrounds.

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Combining graphics with the slogan. Putting together recommendations on the elements arrangement.

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Trying it on a flip chart.

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