Mironovsky Khleboproduct website

[The work is in the museum]

Problem. Present the company’s activities.

Founded in 1998, Mironovsky Khleboproduct is today one of the leading agricultural companies in Ukraine.

Main page

The name of the company originates with Mironovsky grain processing and fodder producing plant, which was the first enterprise to enter the group.

Production network map

Mironovsky Khleboproduct is involved in grain and mixed fodder production, grain trade, poultry farming, livestock farming, and meat production and trade.

Release date: June 20 2006


art director
interface developer

Art. Lebedev Studio would like to thank Sergei Malashenko, Valeria Ocheretnaya, Svetlana Tarasyuk, Natalia Olbert-Sinko and Julia Bagmut for their contribution to the project

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