Russian Standard Insurance website

Populated by company employees

Overview   Process   Clone  

 [The project is in the museum]

Task: to create a website about the advantages of insuring at Russian Standard.

Russian Standard Insurance is the leading provider of voluntary life insurance for loan borrowers. The company also provides other services that compensate for the effects of adverse life circumstances.

russianstandard insurance main
The main page

The visitors are invited to read the terms of insurance programs, choose, register and pay for a policy online.

russianstandard insurance kids
Policy page

There are no irritating asterisks on forms on the website. Instead, the forms themselves suggest what fields remain to be filled.

russianstandard insurance pay
Policy payment form

Release date: September 26 2011


art director
technical designer
technical director
project manager

The website is managed using Imprimatur I proprietary technology.

The website uses multiple domain functionality of Imprimatur I. The website has two versions accessible at two different addresses. Both of them are managed through a single management system, have common templates and the information displayed depends on which domain was visited.

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