Perfect Panel logo

Perfect Panel is a platform for creating online stores. The company provides business owners tools to attract new subscribers, prepares content for social networks, analyzes performance indicators and offers other SMM services. A minimalist and stable logo for Perfect Panel was created in the studio.

The graphic part of the symbol is an image of a cube, representing six panels, of which only three are visible.

The bottom gradient illumination creates the impression of a shape floating in the air, emphasizing the platform’s ease of use.

The optical illusion leaves room for imagination: the viewer decides whether the facets are hidden inside or outside.

The closed workspace becomes open, requiring only a professional look to appreciate it all.

The graphic part of the symbol is an image of a cube, representing six panels, of which only three are visible.

The bottom gradient illumination creates the impression of a shape floating in the air, emphasizing the platform’s ease of use.

The optical illusion leaves room for imagination: the viewer decides whether the facets are hidden inside or outside.

The closed workspace becomes open, requiring only a professional look to appreciate it all.

The logo also contains an Easter egg in the shape of the letter P.

art director


type designer

project managers

Made in 72 days
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