[The work is in the museum]
Heres another round of a game for Hewlett-Packard partners thats devoted to the life of animals. Theres a group of animals attached to each product participating in the program, which are grouped based on a specific featurethe animals of the jungle or tundra, nocturnal carnivores, protected species, etc. ![]() Buffalos (monochrome laser printers for workgroups)
Bright realistic illustrations displaying animals and their environments look like a childrens playground. Every reseller has his own chip whose movement on the field shows the participants position against his rivals. ![]() Penguins (mobile systems)
The project was ordered by Hewlett-Packard Russian representative office. ![]() Otters (tape storages and autoloaders)
Release date: May 30 2003 Cast: art director
Art. Lebedev Studio would like to thank Yana Kokina and Natasha Serezhnikova (Hewlett-Packard) for their direct participation in the project Art. Lebedev Studio proprietary technologies: