Principles and Paradoxes. 25 years of Art. Lebedev Studio
In 2020 the studio turned 25. To celebrate the occasion, we published a book in which we talk about our main rules of life and work.
Some of our principles have long been publicly known, others we open up for the first time, and there are others still that we only discovered when preparing the book by talking to colleagues and analyzing the atmosphere at the studio.
All principles and paradoxes are described in detail and illustrated with our projects. It’s a pure concentrate of a tremendous experience and a treasure trove of valuable advice for solving any problem in design, management and human life.

No one knows how to build a successful company, so you shouldn’t be afraid to create a company, a service or a brand that will last just one year. Or two. Or three, depending on how it goes. Companies are created, sold and closed just like products and services. Being able to easily change the place, the name, the sign, the type of business is the most natural thing in the world. Achieving business longevity is more like winning a jackpot. Sure, sometimes it happens, but it’s not wise to bet on it as in the end only one in a million ends up being lucky.
The principles thanks to which and in spite of which the studio lived and worked through its first twenty-five years were discovered through trial and error, glorious successes and shameful failures. Behind them are many years of reflection and the experience of real people. In twenty-five years from now, we plan to publish a second volume to see what will have changed.
From the introduction
The large-format edition with beautiful illustrations, lively examples and thought-provoking insights couldn’t be further away from traditional business books. This book is a decoration for any shelf, an important historical artifact and a very useful gift.

artistic director
art directors
- Hardcover
- Dimensions: 305×375 mm (12″×14,7″)
- Press run: 3000
ISBN 978-5-98062-130-8