Kiber logo

• OverviewProcess
to develop a logo.

Kiber provides virtually any IT-related services, from developing software to servicing computers in retail stores. For 10 years the company has been operating out of Ivanovo and will open its first Moscow office in 2018.

To mark the new important stage in the life of the brand, an expressive logo was created at the studio.

kiber logo

Elements of the logo remind of cybernetics, web and data processing—that is, about everything that is related to IT and difficult to grasp.

The shape of the symbol resembles the letter К, the first letter of the company’s name.

kiber mail

The logo is used to create a simple corporate pattern.

kiber pattern

The logo can be used anywhere and at any time, from business cards to cable packages.

kiber canal
kiber pack
kiber tools

art director


project manager

  • Direct typeface
Graphic design  Express design  Business