Text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here text will be here

The external characterization of the intrinsic basis of the referent induces a predominantly ontological reduction: the referent is reduced to a mere topological manifold which is a function of the ostensive act. The latter is ontologically neutral because a mere topological manifold endorses different ontologies. We make no ontological assumption about the referent, except that it is intuitive. It is ontologically more plausible to characterize it as temporizable rather than temporal because the temporality of the referent is derived from an act of ontological or topological intuition.

If youve ever done repairs at home and stripped old wallpaper, you must have noticed that walls under it are sometimes lined with old newspapers. As soon as you get a glimpse of these newspapers, you start reading and never stop and cant do anything else until youve read all of them. It is interesting indeed: scraps of text, relics of other peoples lives
The same goes for the greeking. The customer will never rest until he has read all of it. In some cases design was accepted exactly because of the greeking text that certainly had no bearing whatsoever on the work.