Terekhovo is an actual village within Moscow city limits complete with wooden huts, rickety fences, orchards, flowering gardens, ravines and countless trails. Terekhovo Metro station is set to open in 2018, when high-rise buildings and business centers take place of the village. A concept of the appearance of Terekhovo Metro station that brings the rural aesthetics into the high-tech underground world was created at the studio.

Entrance pavilion resembles a wooden house with a pitched roof
The design is created around recognizable images reinterpreted using modern artistic techniques and materials.

Angular geometry of the elevator entrance blends well with the design of the pavilion

The underpass has a simple and laconic design. The calm green floor reminds of the grassy meadows on the surface. The bird-shaped ceiling lights “fly” through the station and accompany the passengers from entrance all the way to the train. The theme is supported by tree drawings printed on concrete walls.

In the escalator zone, the dynamics of the flight is replaced by the measured movement of the underwater world. The picture above the escalators comes to life as an aquarium populated by colorful fish and seaweed. The escalator carries passengers to the platform in the same pace as the inhabitants of the aquarium

Illustrations of rural life are used in decoration of the main station hall, while the lighting system imitates a tranquil sky. Bird-shaped ceiling lights light up one after another as the train approaches the platform to warn passengers and supplement the general lighting