Mili website layouts assembled and populated by the client
Mili specializes in issuing microloans to customers. All that’s needed to quickly borrow money is a passport and an account in a social network. A website with information on ways to get money, steps to apply for a loan and rules of paying it back was created for the company at the studio. Clear explanations make sure visitors have no false preconceptions, while a brief application form helps make the first step towards a loan.
Live statistics of issued loans is displayed on the main page.

The website features a brief application form and immediate updates on the status of application. Once an application is approved, the client receives information on getting the money and ways to pay back the loan.

Payments can be made via self-service terminals and on the website. In case a client falls behind on their payments, they will receive a reminder with information on the amount of money owed, a possibility of an extension and even suggestions to find a job.