Aleksandr Barmenkov in photos of the day

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Aleksandr Barmenkov in photos of the day

In the menus of studio’s Moscow cafés (both on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street and on Bankovsky Lane) fried eggs are mentioned twice, with one item costing 190 rubles and the other 230. That’s because the first one is made from regular store eggs while the second one is made of irregular country ones.

Pictured: chef Alexander Barmenkov at the kitchen of Art. Lebedev Studio Store and Café on Bolshaya Nikitskaya shows how an egg from Natalya Rizhova from Stepkovo village of Alexandrovsky district of Vladimirskaya region (right) differs from a regular one. Fresh country eggs are always available at Art. Lebedev Studio Store and Big Café on Bankovsky, ten eggs cost 120 rubles.

Aleksandr Barmenkov

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