We own a number of domain names in .ru zone and are willing to sell some of them. The terms are quite simple—we will sell a domain to anyone who will make us an offer we can’t refuse.
If you wish to purchase a domain name, send an email with the subject “domainsale” to Denis Shokhin at denis@artlebedev.ru stating the domain name you want to buy and the price you're willing to pay.
We are no agents
If you want to sell a domain name in .ru zone, you can do it here: https://auction.nic.ru.
Damn cybersquatters!
Cybersquatting means taking over domains with names that are registered trademarks. We’ve never done that and never will. Naturally, our list contains words that are registered as trademarks in other countries. For example, “flomaster” is a brand name in the USA, while in Russia it is just a common word.
If a company can provide proof that it has a registered trademark with the same name as one of the domains listed here, we will kindly hand over the rights to the said domain (provided that the trademark was registered in Russia earlier than the domain name). As for now, we are pleased to announce that neither duct tape (“isolenta” in Russian), nor plate (“tarelka”) don’t mind us owning domains of the same names.