Iskusstvus kits: 1.0 2.0
Overview Process
The first sketches.
The set has to include five pictures, so we choose Portrait of an Unknown Woman, The Scream, American Gothic, Christ in the Desert and Bathing of a Red Horse.
Starting to draw, replacing Christ with Girl on the Ball.
Turns out, we can’t use Picasso’s paintings, since he died less than 70 years ago. We need something else, and we need it fast. Drawing The Vitruvian Man.
Placing all five pictures on one sheet of paper.
The packaging
We need to find a way to present Iskusstvus nicely.
Making the first draft.
The art director approves the direction.
But the packaging layout changes drastically.
The art director asks to pin the barcode.
The layout changes once again.
Now it’s done.