Treasury of Alphabets and Lettering is a fine collection of type specimens selected by Jan Tschichold, a famous typographer and book artist. Only crème de la crème of the lettering world made it to this edition: true typeface role models with each and every one of them featuring exceptional beauty beyond time and fashion. ![]() Book in dust jacket
Before presenting his collection, Tschichold exercises in-depth analysis of letter anatomy, studies good and bad type, speaks on the use of upper and lower case, kerning, and leading. A good part of the book is dedicated to properly selecting a typeface for the task and to design with type and typography in general in a city environment. A vast number of precious historical illustrations are published in the original size and underwent a thorough retouching by the author, thus resulting in a better quality compared to the time-damaged originals.
Release date: June 30 2012 Cast: art director
chief typesetter
technical designer
type designer
chief editor
production managers
Jan Tschichold For his contribution to the development of typography art, Tschichold was awarded an AIGA golden medal (the major award within the US design industry); was named Honorary Royal Designer by the RSA (British Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), was elected as an Associate Member of the Berlin Academy of Art, and received a Gutenberg award (the highest European recognition for achievements in the field of printing arts). translator
248 pages This book was translated into Russian from the following edition: Jan Tschichold, Meisterbuch der Schrift © 1999 3rd edition, Urania Verlag in der Verlag Herder GmbH, Freiburg im Breisgau. |