Artemy Lebedev

§ 167. Progressive JPEG method

November 26, 2010

There is a real simple time-management approach called Progressive JPEG. The method is characterized by every project being 100% complete at any given moment, although it might be only 4% detailed.

Depending on the time at hand, you can polish a project down to a pixel or leave it at a concept sketch stage.

The author used to work out all the details for every project to a 97% perfection. That included optimizing the images, fine-tuning the microns and smoothing out any irregularities. Today, the author enjoys the ability of finding a solution to virtually any design task within the time of formulating the problem. As in, by the time a client is finished describing his need, we’ve already figured out a solution.

This way, while a steak’s overall appearance is clear at any instant, the time is only spent on reaching the required doneness.

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