Prodimex website

Task: to tell about the work of a group of agricultural companies.
populated by the client

Prodimex is one of Russia’s leading producers of sugar beet, barley and corn and the country’s largest producer of sugar and pulp. A beautiful website that is full of life was designed for the holding. The scale of the enterprise is shwon in the videos shot by the client and edited in the studio.

One of the main areas of business of the group is sugar production, so the process of sugar beet processing is given special attention on the website. All operations are shown on a detailed interactive diagram.

prodimex scheme

Clicking the play icon next to the selected fragment will load a full-screen video where everything is shown in full detail.

Video covers of key sections maintain the overall feeling of continuous movement and blend perfectly with the static internal navigation system, as well as the KPIs. And no clutter either!

prodimex sections

Entire families of carefully drawn pictograms help navigate the website while also serving as additional illustrations.

prodimex icons

The entire enterprise, including elevators, factories and crop fields, is shown on a large interactive map that highlights the beneficial location of the fertile land that belongs to the group.

prodimex map

Statistics are interesting to study thanks to the vivid pictures that clearly illustrate the indicators.

prodimex numbers
prodimex final
Made in 192 days
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