Rus Velikaia website

Task: to design a website for an online store of expensive gifts.
assembled and populated by the client

Rus Velikaia sells luxury gifts: elite tableware, silver and stone accessories, souvenir weapons, mammoth tusk figurines and so on.

The website demonstrates the store’s beautiful range of products.

The concept emerged in the store and hasn’t changed during our work on the project. We saw a huge number of things decorated with different patterns and ornaments and realized that we simply have to use all this beauty in the design of the website.

This is how the idea was born: to turn graphics on products into animated kaleidoscopes. Each product easily turns into a kaleidoscope with an infinite number of unique patterns!


Focus on the product

The products are shown in all their glory with their cards adorned by large attractive photographs. The name of the product and the price are typed in a small delicate typeface.

I want something

If a visitor is not sure what they want to buy, they can use the All at Once section of the website which presents all products without breaking them down into categories.

This section is like an endless showcase, just browsing through it brings joy! If desired, the list can be sorted by price or material.

The store offers selections of gifts for holidays and special events. They are presented with special cute cards.


technical designer

project manager

Made in 301 days
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