Aktsii Vseh Magazinov app logo
Say, there’s still two days before the payday. And your financial situation sucks. And you’d like to eat a sandwich and cry, but the empty fridge growls shamefully. And sadness overcomes you and there’s drama in the air and unpleasant words start to form. And your cruel mom refused to lend you some money causing a colossal soul trauma.

There’s no food. At night, you dream of a Chicken Leg (in the dream it’s a formidable deity).
...And suddenly in Google Play you see an app showing discounts on many things.

So much happiness, as if you just had a shot at a party. So much happiness, as if you just saved a friend in trouble! Your foot flies into a sneaker and rushes to cheap food.
There are discounts on groceries, milk an fruit. There are discounts in Mytyshchi and near the Kremlin. Everywhere there’s just a lot of cheap products and starvation crawls away whining.

Same night. Apartment. Late enough. The life goes on as before. But now pelmeni, beautiful as movie stars, sink quietly into a pot of water.
Tea kettle boils, pizza warms up and the mood sharply rises. And sour cream flows and ketchup pours and pelmeni are ready and life is fucking awesome.