Universal Russian age rating system icons

Task: to create a universal set of age restriction pictograms.

The law “On Protecting Children from Information Harmful to Their Health and Development” recently passed in Russia makes it mandatory for authors of TV programs, advertising producers, book and magazine publishers, designers and game developers to mark their products with age restriction signs.

A set of pictograms allows to use a ready-made sign instead of creating a new one every time.

plus 01
plus 0 lullaby
plus 02
plus 6 cartoon
plus 03
plus 12 concert
plus 04
plus 16 movie
plus 05
plus 18 tabak
Each sign has its own target audience

Sign Restriction Description
Information products for children under the age of six
for children aged 6 and older Information products for children over the age of six
for children aged 12 and older Information products for children over the age of twelve
for children aged 16 and older Information products for children over the age of sixteen
unsuitable for children Information prohibited from distribution to children

The signs are available at no charge and work well against any background. Anyone who wishes to use the sign can choose the right color and size and place the sign anywhere without any restrictions.

The new signs will soon be seen on all screens and surfaces in the country.

plus 0 duck
— Take it out of your mouth!

— But mom!
plus 12 lipstick

plus 18 tatoo
— You’ll be free to do anything you want when you grow up

artistic director

art director


type designer

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