Task: to republish paper version of Mandership.
The fifth edition includes twelve new paragraphs and comes in an updated dust jacket.

Title opening
Mandership gives no recipes on how to create a successful design. It merely provides food for thought. And how to consume it—at a table with fine wine or gorging pieces off a paper plate—is solely up to the reader.
From the foreword

Pages 130–131

Pages 318–319

Pages 448–449

Pages 474–475

Pages 498–499
chief typesetter
dust jacket designer
dust jacket photographer
- Ekaterina Gerbey
technical designer
production manager
- Printed in Latvia
- Hardcover
- 556 pages
- Dimensions: 144×216 mm (5,7″×8,5″)
- Press run: 3000
ISBN 978-5-98062-107-0