R-Bank mobile application design

R-Bank helps parents and their children solve financial problems without hassle. Children can use the application to let parents know about their wants and needs, while the parents can top-up virtual accounts and control their children’s spending.
Design for the children’s and adult versions of the application with different functionality was developed at the studio.
The primary role on the first screen is given to the user’s bank cards. The set of buttons matches main scenarios of using the application.

Parent functions

Parents can reward their children for good behavior right in the application.

R-Bank instantly shows who spent money on what.

The mobile service allows to put reasonable limits to child fantasies.

Children’s functions

The special screen shows all family members that can easily be contacted through the application.

To make the request more convincing, it can be illustrated with a photo of the dream.

Each transfer is confirmed.

To ensure the money is not given for no reason, R-Bank offers to give bonuses for completed tasks. The child can perform an action and get a predefined reward.

The app comes with the most popular limits already pre-set.
Amounts approaching the limit move up to the top of the list.

Limits creating and editing screen offers various parameters.

Limits can be changed by the child’s request only after a parent approval.