Tula Poultry Farm website


The Tula Poultry Farm supplies its products to major supermarkets in twenty-seven regions across the country, closely monitors the health of its hens and offers numerous recipes for healthy egg dishes. All this information is meticulously organized, packaged into sections and presented on the website designed in the studio.

On the main page, visitors are greeted by the brand character, Eggchick. It provides helpful hints in key areas and encourages users to discover even more valuable information.

The farm produces a huge number of eggs every day, and this is reflected on the website as well. Eggs are showcased on shelves, traveling on conveyor belts and even flying around.

Valuable information often appears in a playful format. For instance, in the About Our Products section, the eggs in the tray flip with a mouse click, begin to “breathe,” and thus stay fresh longer. This instantly boosts the mood.

Egg dish recipes are categorized by preparation difficulty and accompanied by appetizing photographs.

The website is also a great place for finding future employees for the poultry farm. Job vacancies are presented as charmingly as the other sections, reflecting a warm attitude towards newcomers.





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