Sputnik building intercom
Skolkovo resident Sputnik creates smart intercom systems that can capture everything that’s going on near the entrance on camera, connect to the Internet, call residents on their phones and notify the service department of any malfunctions. Design of the new generation building intercom was created at the studio.

The intercom is equipped with an infrared light that allows the camera to work equally well during the day and at night. The Info button launches a voice assistant that can call emergency services, explain how to get to the nearest seafood restaurant or help find the quickest way to the city center. Important information, for example about interruptions in water supply or an incoming storm will be read aloud to every resident when they open the door with their key.

Sputnik is tamper-proof and protected from dust and moisture. The front panel is made of beautiful stainless steel and the operating temperature range spans from -40 °С (-40 °F) to +50 °С (122 °F).