RT anniversary special project identity

Task: to celebrate a milestone.

RT is an international multilingual TV channel. For 15 years it has been reducing the pressure of Western news agencies on the minds of viewers by offering an alternative point of view on various events.

The black cross with a hole represents counterpropaganda, while the Latin numerals show the age of the company. Supplemented by a stylized image of a megaphone, they combine to form a powerful and laconic image supporting RT’s identity.

The symbol can be easily adapted for various needs: it instantly transforms into the right images.

Victories on information fronts should be rewarded. How else would you know you’re looking at a deserving armchair warrior?
Journalists can say many things but RT ensures reliable supply of materials.
While everyone is asked to shut their mouths, RT remains true to its principles even in this situation.
RT knows how to show any situation from both sides and does it brilliantly!
rt identity illustration 01
An anniversary is a rare occasion. To make it truly memorable, the celebration must involve both supporters and opponents of RT. Especially since the channel has a special talent of not leaving anyone indifferent.

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