Lighthouse Landscaping

Entrance group design and resort area landscaping

For one of the most famous Crimean resorts located on the Black Sea coast, we have designed an entrance stele, planned a checkpoint, developed the interior design of the space based on the client’s unique Gastro-bistro dining concept and also proposed solutions for landscaping.

The slender and concise stele beautifully stands out against the southern sky and picturesque cliffs. It is noticeable from a distance when approaching the resort. Externally, the structure resembles an elegant blooming flower.

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Soft internal lighting is arranged in such a way as not to blind passing drivers. Video sequences with smoothly transitioning abstract animations are projected onto the petals.

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The observation platform at the base of the stele offers the best view of the hotel’s territory.

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Gastro-bistro enhances the simplicity of the overall architectural style with expressive floral ornamentation on the frieze. The plasticity of the ornament echoes the relief of the rocks in the background.

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The terrace and dining hall are protected from the sun by perforated panels. This solution is particularly relevant for panoramic glazing, considering the hot seaside climate.

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The elegant interiors of Gastro-bistro support the overall concept of the establishment: the café has a relaxed atmosphere, yet it serves high cuisine dishes.

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The security checkpoint fulfills its functions and fits perfectly into the overall splendor. Security personnel observe the territory through panoramic windows that look splendid against the backdrop of the entrance group.

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A long, comfortable staircase with terraces leads through the picturesque terrain from the observation platform to the entrance of the resort.

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chief architect

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Made in 62 days
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