Magic Relay for Nero Electronics
Magic Relay is a device created by Nero Electronics that connects to the power line and turns any regular appliance into a smart one. The relay receives signals from Nero remote controls and sends commands to the devices in the system. A beautiful and inexpensive to produce case for the device was created at the studio.

The case is made of two panels and an elastic band. The front and back panels of the case are actually the same part that is rotated 180 degrees during assembly bringing down the cost of production considerably. The band is divided into two parts with different textures to ensure in and out wires differ both visually and to the touch.

The relay can be concealed in electrical sockets, light fixtures or in the walls with the wiring. Connection is quick and easy and doesn’t require additional tools or complex operations. For a device that will remain unseen after it is installed, Magic Relay has a truly beautiful design.

Four Magic Relay variants are available with different band colors and markings.